Wednesday 23 February 2011

Main Task OFC Problems

I've been working on a new idea for an OFC. I'm happy with the layout I want to create, however making it into reality is proving difficult. I've made a montage of some of my photos I intend to use as the OFC:

This part worked out okay, but as it looks very mismatched and unfinished I tried adding borders and a hexagon in which the logo would go in:


The lines I added, I still thought looked a bit too amateur-like. I couldn't find a shape to fit where I wanted the lines, the lines had to be equally balanced on each side, but then the photos didn't fit. I still can't find a way of getting round that without using a fairly advanced program compared to what I'm used to using.

I then had the idea that I want to stick with. Seeing as I'm doing an MCR live special of my new magazine "RockNote", I want it to be as authentic as possible. I found myself just staring at the second of the lined montages, hoping something would jump out at me, and for once, instead of going round in circles for ages; it did.

My Chemical Romance have a logo of a spider for their new album. Here is the spider:

What I want to do, is extract only the spider outline, fill it so it is a white spider; and import it into my image montage, so it is a new layer over the top - seperating the images, but not with crude lines and unprofessional quickshapes. It can't be seen, as I have yet to figure out how I'm going to do this; but hopefully from this screenshot you can see what I'm trying to achieve:

I searched for ways to extract only the foreground spider, but most of the results required advanced programs that I don't have acccess to; and the others mainly made some variation of what I needed. I did find one site that looked promising, which used a tool called "Smart Scissors" which seemed at first, to be working quite well. Unfortunately it could not pick out all the edges of the spider and failed to work:
So I will carry on searching for a way to do this properly, as now I've come up with an idea I like enough to properly use, I don't want to let it go until I've tried everything.

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