Thursday 24 March 2011

Shooting Schedule - Live Photos

As I've already taken the live photos I cannot really do a proper shooting schedule. I will be doing one with photos of my friends though. Instead, I'm going to state when they were taken, on what camera, and who features in them:

  • 12th Feb 2011
  • 13th Feb 2011
  • 19th Feb 2011
I took the photos with my sister's ____.

These are the people that feature in my photos, and will probably feature in my magazine:
  • Gerard Way - My Chemical Romance
  • Mikey Way - My Chemical Romance
  • Frank Iero - My Chemical Romance
  • Ray Toro - My Chemical Romance
  • Sean Smith - The Blackout
  • Gavin Butler - The Blackout
  • James "Bob" Davies - The Blackout
  • Rhys Lewis - The Blackout
  • Gareth "Snoz" Lawrence - The Blackout
  • Stephen Battelle - LostAlone
  • Alan Williamson - LostAlone
  • Mark Gibson - LostAlone

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