Saturday 19 February 2011

Experimental Main Task Attempts

Throughout this blog, I have taking note of my research, finding the most relevant techniques I have in mind to use for my final magazine, and finding examples in current magazines. I make OFC's and articles to practise, and to find a favourite in the styles I want to use. I've been creating the layout around the photo's I've taken at My Chemical Romance gigs I've recently been to (I'm going again tonight, so hopefully will get some more decent shots). Here's what I've got so far (the Main Task Tab will have all of them on):

1st OFC:

I was happy with this, but I will need to look at more OFC's before I can be sure I've included everything I need to.


1st Main Article:

I was reasonably pleased with this one. Unfortunately I made a few typos, and because I used a mixture of Picasa and Picnik, switching between the two, it meant I had to keep saving it as a new image, so couldn't edit the text after it was too late. And in a similar flaw, in Picasa, when adding text, you can't zoom in to make sure it is positioned correcty, so the set list is a little off-centre.
However, I am pleased with the blue record-type stamps I've put in two of the corners, as I want it to be part of the logo, to create consistency throughout. I was also quite pleased with the quality of the smaller photos, although the main one could have been clearer had I used a better camera.


2nd Main Article:

I think I'm happiest with this main article, because it looks more conventional, although still has my style in it, with the (hopefully) atmospheric photo, and the record stamps in the corners. I wanted to try out using columns to see how much difference it would make to the overall impression. I think it has made it better, but I still want to try out some more different styles. I think I like this one best though.


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