Thursday 17 February 2011

Summary Post

I have decided on making a rock magazine, using the name "RockNote". Magazine titles, as a rule, choose a title that has something to do with music. It can include intertextuality, referring to something like a song or a band. Music terms are often used, including names of instruments or written music e.g. "RockSound". Although these are usual, some are more individual, like "Kerrang!"'s use of onomatopoeia.

I want my magazine to include proper rock music and some alternative bands too. I have two ideas for my magazine:

1 - My first idea is to do a My Chemical Romance Live Special, as I went to 3 of their gigs and took a collection of photos from them. I uploaded these photos and edited some of them by cropping to a nice shape for a magazine, and editing the contrast etc to make them stand out more. The OFC would be a collage of my photos, with some kind of separator to avoid looking a mess. The contents page would be headed with another MCR photo, but would also include other photos I will take, with either real bands, or my friends posing as artists. The main feature would predominantly be a live review from their World Contamination Tour; however there would also be news about them, a merchandise section I would design, and maybe a section of "bands you may like..." to recommend others, and make an opportunity to use other photos I will take.

2 - My second idea would be to photograph one of my friend's bands; or to get my friends to pose as the artists. This one wouldn't focus entirely on one band, it would probably be a new bands issue, or a end of year overview type thing. It will be either that, or just a normal edition, pretending my friends are already established artists.

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